

Strawberry Verrine

Before we begin, I will need to clear something up… As I mentioned before I have a few fussy eaters amongst my closest friends { you know who you are 🙂 } who worry a lot about eating raw eggs.

This is something which in the UK started quite some time ago and I can tell you guys, it is absolutely safe nowadays as long as you use FRESH eggs.

Now, warning aside, we can begin to enjoy this yummy summer dessert.

I get super excited when the strawberry season is here…. I NEVER eat strawberries out of season as they taste of nothing, unless freshly frozen… But in season… They are sooooo delicious.

So here is a super easy and pretty, healthy way to put this to the test!!!!

Oh, but what’s a Verrine? Well, it’s just the French name for “in a glass” or “in a jar”… It is very popular in France so I hope you will like it.

  • Prep Time12 min
  • Serving Size6
  • Cuisine
    • French
  • Course
    • Dessert
    • Afternoon Tea


  • 1 Strawberry punnet
  • 1 Tsp. Vinegar
  • 250 g Fromage frais
  • 2 Eggs – white and yolk separated
  • 40 g Muscovado sugar
  • 1 Pinch of salt
  • 1 Tsp. Vanilla essence
  • 12 Oat biscuits
  • 6 Glasses or jars
  • 6 Mint leaves tips (for decoration – optional)



Cut the tail of the strawberries, cut in half keeping 6 small ones whole for decoration. Put in water with the vinegar and leave to soak. This is my nan’s trick to ensure that all the little hairs on the strawberries are gone, which for some people can be an irritant!


Put your yolk in a ceramic/glass bowl, add the muscovado sugar as well as the vanilla essence and mix well until you get an unctuous consistency.


Add the fromage frais and whisk until smooth.


Beat your whites until firm and add a pinch of sea salt to help keep it firm and glossy. Add the mixture to the yolk mixture and fold well.


Put 8 Oat biscuits in a freezer bag, wrap in a clean cloth and beat with a rolling pin. This can be fun and release a lot of anger so go for it! What you want is to get the Oat biscuits into nice crumbs.


THE FUN BIT!!!! Divide the crumbs in equal measure in the glasses, then proceed with the strawberries and then the egg mixture. Leave in the fridge to set, no more than 2 hours ahead as it can begin to “cook” the strawberries and make the biscuits too soggy.


Upon serving crumb up the remaining of the Oat biscuits, put on the top of your dessert with a whole strawberry and mint leaves for decoration.

Enjoy… Bon appetit!  ♥♥♥